Journal of the stylistic of Persian poem and prose
Article Info
Journal of the stylistic of Persian poem and prose شماره 49

volume Number : 13
number In Volume : 3
issue Number : 49

Journal of the stylistic of Persian poem and prose
volume Number 13، number In Volume 3، ، issue Number 49

The Role of Language in Exporting Culture with Emphasis on Persian Language capacities

Ali Hoseyni , Sattar Azizi (Author in Charge), samane rahmatifar


BACHGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: The influence of culture in the field of foreign policy is so great that in the present age, culture is spoken of as a soft power, and the issue of cultural diplomacy is raised in foreign policy. In fact, language is one of the most fundamental components and elements of identity for any nation, and one of the most important and easiest means of transmitting culture to other nations. Language is so important now that many experts consider it as a means of transmitting culture and determining the way of thinking and human culture. Many countries use a variety of tools, including language, to transmit culture. In this research, we try to investigate the role of language in general and Persian language in particular in exporting culture?

METHODOLOGY: This research was conducted by descriptive-analytical method, to investigate the role of language in transmitting culture with emphasis on Persian language.

FINDINGS: Persian language and literature, as one of the richest and most intelligent languages and literatures in the world, can reflect the culture, rituals and customs of the Iranian nation with unparalleled power. The prominent role of the Persian language in the transmission of Iranian-Islamic culture should not be ignored.

CONCLUSION: The most important strengths of Persian language and literature for the development and export of culture includes integration, brilliant background, wealth, literary diversity, and inherent and essential musical beauty. Therefore, Persian language can not be copied or imitated by other cultures in the field of global competition of cultures. These features, on the other hand, are stable, permanent, and unique. Therefore, these strengths can be considered as "effective competitive advantages" for Persian literature.

Persian language , culture , export of culture , cultural diplomacy

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